e -Issn : 0976 - 3651
Print-Issn : 2229-7480



Peptic Ulcer disease is a serious gastrointestinal disorder that requires a well targeted therapeutic strategy. A number of drug including proton pump inhibitor and H2 receptor antagonists an available treatment of peptic ulcer. The present article review the anti ulcerogenic ulcer healing property Garcinia cambogia, Terminalia chebula, Napoleona vogelii, polythia longifolia, allophylus serratus kurz, Dodonaea viscose, some of the important medicinal plants reported for their anti ulcer and ulcer healing property. The pathophysiology of peptic ulcer disorder involves an imbalance between offensive (Acid, pepsion and H. Pylori) and defensive factors (Mucin prostaglandin, bicarbonate, nitric oxide growth factor. Indian medicinal plants and their derivatives have been an invaluable source of therapeutic agents to treat various disorder include peptic ulcer. Despite progress in conventional chemistry and pharmacology producing effective drugs the plant kindom useful source of new anti ulcer compounds for development of pharmaceutical entities

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