e -Issn : 0976 - 3651
Print-Issn : 2229-7480



Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent causes of cancer death. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) plays an role in processing amino acids in proteins. This study is designed with an aim to find out whether the mutations or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in the MTHFR gene could be one of the factors of HCC. 105 cases of HCC and 240 controls were enrolled. Serological and biological status for all the cases and controls were assessed using peripheral blood. Genomic DNA was isolated followed by PCR amplification of polymorphic sites of MTHFR A1298C and MTHFR C677T followed by RFLP. Amplification success was monitored and verified by 2.5-3% agarose gel electrophoresis. Statistical analysis has been performed in all the cases and controls. Mean ages (± SD) of HCC and controls were 56.55 (± 10.53) and 48.1 (±10.6) years, respectively. AA, AC, CC genotype of MTHFR A1298C was found in 12 of 105, 9 of 105 and 80 of 105 in HCC, 58 of 240, 26 of 240 and 153 of 240 control respectively. A and C allele of MTHFR 1298A>C gene constituted 60 and 145 of 210 in patients with HCC respectively, 310 and 150 of 480 patients in control group respectively. Genotype frequencies of MTHFR C677T gene HCC and controls showed that Out of 105 cases 26 CC, 58 CT and 12TT comparison to out of 240 controls 63 CC, 156 CT and 17T (OR 0.665; p<0.05). The T allele was found to be associated with an increased susceptibility to HCC (OR 2.176, 95% CI). MTHFR A1298C and C677T polymorphism may be an increased risk factor for the development of HCC in chronic liver diseases. The data on MTHFR genotype in carcinogenesis found in this study may be worthy of further study. The association needs further studies in HCC patients

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